This year has taught us a lot about business and people. It has certainly been a year of ups and downs, what with lockdowns, restrictions and many businesses having to adapt to working from home. There have been many lessons we’ve learnt this year!
But as with anything, these difficult times have also helped us grow and understand ourselves better. What’s important to us, what our real strengths and priorities are, etc. So it’s only fitting to end this year by acknowledging some of those lessons we’ve learnt. Not only do they help highlight some of what we can be most proud of, they also serve to remind us what we need to keep in mind, as we move into 2021. So here’s our top 7 lessons learnt.
#1: One of the lessons we’ve learnt this year is that we are stronger than we realise
There have been a lot of upheavals in our lives this year. Not just at work but in our home lives too. But in those periods of ups and downs, we’ve discovered how strong and resilient we are – and a great strength to take into the year ahead.
#2: We discovered how quickly we could pivot and adapt
One thing we’ve all done is pivot and adapt to the strange new world we all found ourselves in. Acting fast, based on the current rules, regulations, restrictions and guidelines. And that’s a good thing – and something we can definitely carry forward into 2021.
#3: Working remotely does work
For those of us who have worked remotely for a while, this was something we already knew, but for many others, it’s something they’ve had to discover for the first time. And I for one, love how so many are now looking to embrace it, moving forward.
#4: It’s important to look after our mental and physical health – it’s one of the key lessons we’ve learnt
Whether you’re running your own business or working as part of a team, it’s easy to let your own mental and physical wellbeing slide. But this year has served as an important reminder for us all to stay on top of our mental health and physical wellbeing. Putting more effort into looking after both, has to be a top priority, as we move into 2021.
#5: We discovered what our true priorities were
What’s great about this is, not only did we discover our true priorities, we also made more time for them. Our family and friends, hobbies and pastimes – albeit while juggling homeschooling too in many cases!
#6: How much we truly appreciate nature, travel and the great outdoors
It’s not until something is restricted, that we realise how much we take it for granted. For many, that’s how they feel about the freedom to travel and enjoy the outdoors. So make it a priority to spend more time outside in nature and traveling, whilst you’re able to.
#7: Discovering our priorities in life is one of the big lessons we’ve learnt this year
For many, this whole year has meant adapting and learning. As restrictions and lockdown hit, we found ourselves discovering what’s important to us in life – and made more time for them. So, whether you’re looking to spend more time with your family or enjoying the new hobbies you’ve discovered, look to do more of that in 2021. Because far too many small business owners who are already working from home, tend to forget they need downtime too.
This year has taught us a lot about business and people. It’s been a year of ups and downs, but it’s also been a time of self discovery and appreciation. As this year draws to a close, take the 7 lessons learnt from this year with you into 2021, to help you focus more on what matters most to you.
And as is the tradition here in Luxembourg, I wish everyone a ‘Gudde Rutsch an neit joer’ – I wish you all a very safe, happy and healthy ‘slide’ into 2021.
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