Support for Entrepreneurs

PA/Admin Support for Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners
If you are an Entrepreneur and are running your own business, I’d hazard a guess that you are always buzzing with new ideas, love starting new projects and are very creative! However, when it comes to the day to day work that needs to be done to keep your business going, that’s just not your thing!
Perhaps you find it boring, or it is simply taking up too much of your time. You would rather be networking, connecting with new people, researching ways to increase your revenue or exploring new investment ideas. Instead, you are drowning under administration! Time just seems to disappear and you don’t seem to be able to move forward with all those exciting new projects that are buzzing in your head.
It might just be a series of small tasks that take up a lot of your time and you might think it is quicker to do them yourself than try to explain them to someone else. However, don’t underestimate how much time you could save by delegating all the day to day stuff.
Here are few examples of where we could help:
- Diary and email management
- Arranging travel (business or personal)
- Dealing with correspondence
- Drafting, editing and proof reading of documents or reports
- Preparing PowerPoint presentations
- Data input & updating your customer database
- Filing invoices & expenses (who enjoys that task – actually we do!)
- Filing, both electronic and paper too (if you are Luxembourg based!)
Other areas where we could help:
- Research for articles or blog posts
- Setting up systems or new processes to help you streamline your workflow
- Personal admin eg dealing with local authorities
- Making appointments, booking restaurants, organising gifts
Contact us to find out more.