If you’re a coach looking to grow your business, you may be wondering whether it’s worth you hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you with the tasks in your business. As a lot of your tasks inevitably involve you working one-to-one with clients, you may also be wondering whether you’ll have enough tasks to delegate out, if you did!
So as a coach, what tasks exactly, can you delegate to a Virtual Assistant? Here’s a brief rundown of the main tasks you can outsource in your business.
Traditional office tasks you can delegate to a Virtual Assistant
There are a lot of traditional office tasks you can easily delegate to a Virtual Assistant. From managing and clearing your inbox, through to calendar management and booking appointments, your Virtual Assistant can help you get your diary into shape. They can also help by typing up client notes, chasing outstanding payments and handling your expenses, not to mention printing and binding any client manuals and workbooks you may send out.
Hand customer care and support over to a Virtual Assistant
Customer support is an area a Virtual Assistant can easily handle for you. Tasks such as scheduling follow-up appointments and handling any customer support issues will be taken in their stride. Ensuring your clients are onboarded well will make your job a lot easier, and onboarding clients, sending out contracts and booking discovery calls are all things you can delegate to a Virtual Assistant.
Delegate out your webinars and launches
There’s a lot of moving parts that need to run seamlessly together when you’re running webinars and launches. A Virtual Assistant can take on tasks such as setting up your sales funnels, creating sales pages and linking email sequences. These all help make the process a lot easier for you and your clients. If they’re good at writing, you could also get them to write your follow-up emails and sales pages too!
Social media marketing and management
Social media is one of those areas that can easily take up a lot of your time if you’re not careful. Managing your online social media accounts, posting and scheduling to your profiles and answering direct messages, are all tasks you can delegate to a Virtual Assistant. Not only will it save you the time it would take to do yourself, but it will also ensure you’re consistently posting and staying visible if you pass them over to your Virtual Assistant to manage for you.
Content creation can be delegated to a Virtual Assistant
A Virtual Assistant may not always have suitable writing skills to write blog posts for you, but they can still proofread, upload and schedule blog posts for you. They may also be able to create content for your newsletters and emails, as well as carrying out research for your next blogs. And many Virtual Assistants are capable of creating content for social media and Pinterest in Canva for you, too.
Lifestyle help and support
Finally, remember a Virtual Assistant isn’t just there to help you with your business needs. As a coach, you’ll understand how important it is to get the balance between work and home right for you. And the tasks in your home life are something you can delegate to a Virtual Assistant too! They can help you with personal tasks such as booking personal appointments, gift buying for family and friends, paying bills, confirming appointments, holiday planning and organising travel arrangements, too.
If you’re a coach looking to grow your business, there are so many tasks you can delegate to a Virtual Assistant. A few of them are listed above, but if you really want to know how a Virtual Assistant can help you, why not get in touch? When you book a discovery call with me, we can talk through the unique needs you have and how I may be able to help – so get in touch and let’s talk!
Image courtesy of AllaSerebrina/DepositPhotos.com
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