by Sandra | Aug 24, 2022 | Marketing, Time management
Do you provide a good standard of service to your customers? Is it something you’re proud of, or do you need to improve your customer service efforts? All businesses need to set a good standard of customer care if they want to succeed. Whether managing the clients you...
by Sandra | May 11, 2022 | Organisational Skills, Time management
Task batching is one productivity hack that’s stood the test of time and with good reason. It’s been proven to work for anyone; it increases focus and minimises distractions. And when you do those things, you’re guaranteed to save yourself time and increase...
by Sandra | Apr 13, 2022 | Time management
Do you have a good morning routine in place? It’s one of the best ways to reduce stress and overwhelm and help mentally prepare you for the day ahead. When you start your morning right, you feel more productive and positive and more in control. Yet so many business...
by Sandra | Mar 9, 2022 | Outsourcing, Time management
Hiring a Virtual Assistant is a big step for any business owner. And handing over tasks to a VA and deciding what tasks to hand over can also be a daunting prospect. But no matter whether you’re a coach or trainer, there’s one area you may not have thought about:...
by Sandra | Feb 23, 2022 | Business Support, Time management
Are you feeling overwhelmed at the moment? It’s understandable. As a business owner, you have so much you want to achieve. But with everything else on your plate, it doesn’t take much to cause overwhelm in your life. I’m seeing a lot of this at the moment. Many have...
by Sandra | Dec 15, 2021 | Inspiration, Time management
During the last two years so much has changed for us all. But difficult times can help us learn so much about ourselves. And it was no different this year. Did you find yourself honouring your priorities more as more lockdowns were put into place? And how about now,...
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